Balandžio 27d. kviečiame į garo pirties (Sweatlodge) ritualą pagal Šiaurės Amerikos indėnų tradicijas.
Ritualas skirtas sąmoningumo, energijos, dėmesio atstatymui ir daugybės kitų jėgų kaip: neigiamų emocijų, fizinių negalavimų, rūpesčių, dvasinių blokų apsivalymui.
Mike Chirobokow – Na’ To’ Win’ Niso (Sacred Warrior Coming Down) – Šiaurės Amerikos indėnų ritualinės pirties vedantysis / vyresnysis , pirmasis nevietinis “Sundance” ritualo vedantysis Šiaurės Amerikoje . Ritualines pirties ceremonijas veda jau daugiau nei 25 metus.
Bus galimybė artimiau pabendrauti su gyduoliu ir sužinoti daugiau apie genčių “Cree” ir “Blackfoot”, su kuriomis jam teko gyventi ir bendrauti, gyvenimo būdą.
Garo pirties viduje yra sukuriama atmosfera vadinama “buvimas motinos Žemės įsčiose”. Kuomet oro drėgnumas viduje tolygiai padengia kūną ir atsipalaiduoja veido bei kūno raumenys, rūpesčiai ištirpsta ir kasdieniai reikalai lieka antrame plane. Šlapio oro kvapas, tyla, daina ir malda nukelia į ramybę, kur tampa lengviau atsigręžti į savo vidų, susicentruoti su savimi, su aplinka bei atsigręžti į savo širdies poreikius.
Vinetu kaimas, Klaipėdos raj. Kretingalės sen. Šlikių km. Nr. 63. (
Apranga: laikysimės ritualo tradicijų.
Vyrams – laisvi ilgi šortai, kelnės arba sarongas.
Moterims – ilgos laisvos kelnės arba sijonas, tačiau viršus gali būti ir trumpomis rankovėmis, kukli iškirptė.
Tinka medžiaga leidžianti kvėpuoti pvz.: linas ar medvilnė, viskas kas jums patogu ir leidžia kūnui kvėpuoti.
MAISTAS: Maistas suneštinis vegetarinis, valgysime kartu, taip pat turėsime indėniškų vaišių ir vakarienę
NAKVYNĖ: Po ritualo apsistosime šiltame salūne, kur turėsime nuostabią vakarienę ir smagius pokalbius kartu. Apsigyvensime salūno antrame aukšte šiltoje erdvėje
RENGINIO TRUKMĖ: pasiruošimas ritualui prasideda Balandžio 27d. (šeštadienį) nuo 10val. ryto, ugnies užkūrimo ceremonijos, susipažinimo ir gali trukti iki pat pavakario. Šis pirties ritualas susideda iš daugelio dalių, kurių trukmės nematuosime laikrodžiais, o daugiau jutimu. Vakarienė, bei smagūs pokalbiai prie arbatos ir nakvynė. Sekmadienį planuojame pabaigą apie 12val.
RENGINIO KAINA: 40 eur/asm. ( Tik ritualas)
55 eur/asm. ( Ritualas+vakarienė+nakvynė)
*Vaikams 15eur/vaikui (nakvynė)
REGISTRACIJA: Kadangi vietų skaičius ribotas, būtina išankstinė registracija el. paštu:
Registracija patvirtinama pervedus 40 eur (tik ritualas)
55 eur(ritualas + vakarienė+nakvynė)
Sąsk Nr.: Mindaugas Timinskas LT597300010008445172
Pavedime nurodykite: ritualinė pirtis.
Ahoo, Jūsų Vinetu genties broliai Deividas ir Mindaugas.
Daugiau informacijos tel.: +370 65805414 (Deividas) ; +370 602 04009 (Mindaugas).
El. paštas:
„Visi mes esame susiję, esame giminės, Didžiosios Dvasios sukurti, gyventi darnoje ir meilėje, su viskuo kas mus supa.”
(Indėnų lakotų genties išmintis)
Daugiau informacijos apie pirtį galite paskaityti anglų kalba apačioje.
On April 27. we invite everyone to participate in the traditional Northen American indian sweat lodge ritual.
North American and Central American Indian tribes have traditionally used the Sweat Lodge for purification, cleansing and healing of mind, body, emotions and spirit, contributing to a healthier individual. Through the use of traditional rituals and forms, it assists the individual in achieving balance and peace within themselves as well as with others and their environment. Those who participate in the Sweat Lodge find themselves rejuvenated and re-energized coming out feeling whole.
Mike Chirobokow – Na’ To’ Win’ Niso (Sacred Warrior Coming Down) – is the Elder and Lodge Leader of these traditional North American Indian Sweat Lodges. Mike is a Pipe Carrier and
for over 30 years lived, studied and learned amongst various North American Indian tribes primarily the Cree and the Blackfoot Indians. Connecting and working with the Blackfoot tribe, he became the first non-native to become a Sundance Leader and has now led Sweat Lodges for well over 25 years.
The Sweat Lodge is similar to a sauna in that there is heat and moisture. That’s where the similarities stop and the uniqueness and the benefits of the Lodge begin. An atmosphere is created which is often referred to as ‘being in the womb of Mother Earth’; it is a place of safety, giving, sharing, receiving, releasing, cleansing, healing, nurturing and creativity. Done with ceremony and ritual, it becomes a place where we connect with ourselves, each other and Mother Earth. Through this contact, we come to a better understanding of our place in the Universe, our relationship to all things. It is a place of awareness, of re-energizing, of re-focusing and a multitude of other dynamics experienced individually and collectively.
LOCATION: Vinetu kaimas (
Men – loose fitting shorts, trousers or a sarong.
Women – loose, light, modest clothing: loose long calf/ankle length sarong/dress/skirt or loose trousers, loose t-shirt/top or a loose long sleeved top.
We always advise, if possible, that clothes are made of a natural material cotton, linen, etc. as they ‘breath’ and are more comfortable to wear in the Lodge.
FOOD: Everyone brings food to share with each other and it will be dinner.
The Sweat Lodge preparation starts early in the day at 10.00hrs with smudging (cleansing) and preparing the fire, the Fire Lighting Ceremony, greetings and introductions. After changing into appropriate clothing we enter into the Sweat lodge finishing sometime in the evening with the Pipe Ceremony. After changing back into dry clothes we tidy around the Lodge area before gathering for the feast to talk, laugh, share food and our experiences.
PRICE: 40 eur/person ( only ritual )
55 eur/person (Ritual + accommodation + dinner)
*children 15eur/person (accomondation)
Please register yourself via email:
Number of seats is limited and the seat is reserved by transferring 40€ registration fee for ritual or 55eur for (ritual + accommondation + dinner).
Bank details: LT597300010008445172 Mindaugas Timinskas
If you require any further information or if we can be of any assistance feel free to contact:
Telf.Nr.: +37060204009 (Mindaugas) ; +37065805414 (David)
Looking forward to meeting you!
More information about Sweat Lodge:
North American and Central American Indian tribes have traditionally used the Sweat Lodge for purification, cleansing and healing of mind, body, emotions and spirit, contributing to a healthier individual. Through the use of traditional rituals and forms, it assists the individual in achieving balance and peace within themselves as well as with others and their environment. Those who participate in the Sweat Lodge find themselves rejuvenated and re-energised coming out feeling whole.
Today many are searching for their roots and trying to find the connections between themselves, each other and the world around them. Knowing that our ancestors once had a special relationship with the earth, we look to find that relationship again, to re-connect. This has led individuals to explore various traditions around the world with a sharing of knowledge between peoples. Through a combination of silence, singing, drumming, praying and sharing from the heart, Sweat Lodges become the other heart of a community. The Sweat Lodge experience is a truly holistic experience. Entering into the Lodge with an open mind, the individual is then prepared for cleansing of negative emotions, healing of physical ailments, clearing of mental concerns and releasing of spiritual blockages.
A properly run Sweat Lodge ceremony held in the traditional ways of the Native North American Indians (the practice of new age sweating (nude) is not a traditional Native Indian way, (they are very modest!) is when the Sweat Lodge Leader has learned, studied and worked for many years under the guidance of Elders/Medicine Men or Women (as in most spiritual traditions there is a training which an individual goes through in order to be qualified). Through ritual and ceremony the Sweat Lodge Leader will guide the participants through different dimensions according to individual needs. No two people are the same, each individual comes into the Sweat Lodge with a different need or perspective and each will come away with a different experience.
Lakota Elder Black Elk tells us: “The Sweat Lodge utilizes all powers of the universe – earth, and things that grow from the earth, water, fire and air.”